I'AM Nash
Have ability to design website from design draft, add SEO let website display easily, friendly with user experience.
Using grid system Bootstrap ElementUI etc.., beautify web and expand interactive effect understand font space and font family.
Design icons prototype every devices, make wireframe and flow chart to explain goal, work together with other designer.
Use Figma to make prototype and initial design including Wireframe、UI design, spec deliver and associate with other designer.
Have alility to edit、caption Correction、audio denoise or some effects to make video colorful.
Product video design and VFX, intense feature of products to abstract client. Experiments in making companies logo, show Shock visual.
My Works
Digital counter
This topic is Digital counter, finish by
fullpage.js, user can browse by sliding a page and
optimization in mobile version.
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Electronic sport
Enthusiastic for electronic sports and tech so I
make a web to display, this website finish by
Bootstrap. Add some interactive effect like bubbles in
banner I Also increase picture scale size to let user
more fun.
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Supercar display
I like supercar, so this website introduce some
famous supercar in the world by Bootstrap, a basic
composing use some picture and scale effect.
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AE design
During Study website technology I found effects
and animations. It is helpful to use in design web, so
I try to learn more about AE、PR 、C4D etc...
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More Works
Digital counter
This topic is Digital counter, finish by fullpage.js, user can browse by sliding a page and optimization in mobile version.
Show projectElectronic sport
Enthusiastic for electronic sports and tech so I make a web to display, this website finish by Bootstrap. Add some interactive effect like bubbles in banner I Also increase picture scale size to let user more fun.
Show projectSupercar display
I like supercar, so this website introduce some famous supercar in the world by Bootstrap, a basic composing use some picture and scale effect.
Show projectAE design
During Study website technology I found effects and animations. It is helpful to use in design web, so I try to learn more about AE、PR 、C4D etc...
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